Game Development Libraries
- C framework
- Memory Manager
- Basic Window
- I/O
- Engine
- Graphics
- Image
- Font
- freetype
- pango
- freetype-gl This code intends to show how to display fonts efficiently using regular C, Freetype and OpenGL
- 2D
- 3D
- 3D Collision Detection
- Shader
- Physics
- GUI framework:
- AntTweakBar light and can used in c, SDL and many cases.
- GTK+ a UI framework written in c
- iup a UI framework written in c and lua
- Awesomium an offscreen web-browser rendering framework (need $$$)
- Berkelium an OpenSource alternative of Awesomium
- GWen
- Script
- Behavior Tree
- expat a xml library write in c
- json
- Text Parsing
- Network
- Database
- Server library
- Game Server Framework
- Open Source VFX
- Open Image IO Library to load and save numerous image formats. Includes a texture cache for efficient renderer texture sampling.
- Open Shading Language Shading language which uses LLVM to compile to native code.
- Open Color IO Transforms between color spaces.
- Field 3D Voxel storage format based on HF5.
- Alembic General exchange format for VFX.
- OpenEXR Linear image format.
- PartIO Point cloud IO library.
- Ptex Per face texture format, IO and filtering library.
- Cortex VFX Libraries with c++ & python bindings and integration with Maya, Nuke, Houdini & TrueLight
- Dynamica Maya dynamics
- Unity3D